Hello and welcome back everyone! We hope everyone has been staying healthy and practising physical distancing these past few months. GRCGED is back and would like to welcome everyone back to the university (in our new online format). O-week this…

JOB POSTING: ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES COORDINATOR (modified Canada Summer Jobs position) Eligibility: Due to the nature of GRCGED, prioritizes the hiring of women and trans-folks. Applicants also must: Be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of…

We have been apart for a while now, so you might be wondering how can you engage with GRCGED while the university buildings remain closed. We are still available to provide resources, referrals, and peer support by email or video…

Due to recommendations that people practice social distancing, GRCGED will be closed until at least March 29, 2020 in order to protect our members’ and service users’ health and wellbeing. We will update about our reopening via social media and…

The time has come again for the annual performance of The Vagina Monologues at UoG. This year, one of our volunteers, Katrina Stephany, is part of the cast for her first time. Also a contributor to Her Campus Guelph, she…

GRCGED is hosting our annual event for Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Week that we gleefully call Condoms, Cookies, Choice, Contraception, and Consent! It is Thursday, Febraury 13th from 10-3:30 in the University Centre courtyard at the University of Guelph….

Want to come to the Wen-Do Women’s Self Defense course we are offering? Buy your ticket at grcgedguelph.square.site For more info about the event, find it here.

The following are common myths and facts about sexual assault. Myth: Sexual assault is most often committed by strangers.Fact: Someone known to the victim – acquaintances, dating partners, common-law or married partners, commit approximately 82% of sexual assaults. In college or university,…