GRCGED is Hiring a Summer Student Worker!
JOB POSTING: ACTIVITIES AND RESOURCES COORDINATOR (Canada Summer Jobs position) Eligibility: Due to the nature of GRCGED, prioritizes the hiring of women and trans-folks. Applicants also must: Be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the…

The GRCGED Weekly
THE WEEKLY(ish)Your connection to on-campus feminist actionSeptember 5, 2021 ORGANIZATION HIGHLIGHT Ontario Public Interest and Research Group OPIRG is an activist centre for research, education, training and action for social and environmental justice. Our office is a positive…

Your connection to on-campus feminist actionFebruary 4, 2021 Contact us:Join our Discord:https://discord.gg/9vtkPEVz Associated Clubs Engineers Without Borders (EWB) EWB is dedicated to bringing people and ideas together to tackle some of the world’s most serious problems. Here in Guelph, we do…

Your connection to on-campus feminist actionJanuary 28, 2021 Contact us:Join our Discord:https://discord.gg/9vtkPEVz Associated Clubs Engineers Without Borders (EWB) EWB is dedicated to bringing people and ideas together to tackle some of the world’s most serious problems. Here in Guelph, we do…

Your connection to on-campus feminist action November 19, 2020 Contact us: Join our Discord:https://discord.gg/9K7jHkH8AH Associated Clubs Engineers Without Borders (EWB) EWB is dedicated to bringing people and ideas together to tackle some of the world’s most serious problems. Here in Guelph,…

Newsletter October 15th, 2020
The GRCGED Weekly October 15, 2020Your connection to on-campus feminist action “One of the problems in the biotech world is the lack of women in leadership roles, and I’d like to see that change by walking the walk.” –Jennifer Doudna…

Newsletter October 8th
The GRCGED Weekly October 8, 2020Your connection to on-campus feminist action “I’ve been a proud mentor to many women seeking public office, because I believe we need more women at all levels of government. Women have an equal stake in…

Newsletter: October 1, 2020
The GRCGED Weekly: October 1, 2020Your connection to on-campus feminist action “I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass” –Maya Angelou…