Your connection to on-campus feminist action November 19, 2020 Contact us: Join our Discord:https://discord.gg/9K7jHkH8AH Associated Clubs Engineers Without Borders (EWB) EWB is dedicated to bringing people and ideas together to tackle some of the world’s most serious problems. Here in Guelph,…

Your connection to on-campus feminist actionNovember 12, 2020 Contact us:Join our Discord:https://discord.gg/9K7jHkH8AH Associated Clubs Engineers Without Borders (EWB) EWB is dedicated to bringing people and ideas together to tackle some of the world’s most serious problems. Here in Guelph, we do…

GRCGED closed for now…
Due to recommendations that people practice social distancing, GRCGED will be closed until at least March 29, 2020 in order to protect our members’ and service users’ health and wellbeing. We will update about our reopening via social media and…

UoG Sexual and Reproductive Health Resource Fair Anonymous Questions Answered – part 1
The Sexperts: from SHORE, UoG Wellness, Sanguen Health Center, ARCH, Dr.Milhausen, Dr.Watson, PhD candidate Nicole Jeffrey, Dr.Behnke-Cook, PhD candidate Angela Underhill, Graduate student Rima Hanna and Sheila Mirafzal from UoG’s NAKED Program On Thursday, February 14 GRCGED hosted a Sexual…

Everything Is Awful and I’m Not Okay: questions to ask before giving up
Are you hydrated? If not, have a glass of water. Have you eaten in the past three hours? If not, get some food — something with protein, not just simple carbs. Perhaps some nuts or hummus? Have you showered in the past…