GRCGED is Hiring a Summer Student Worker!

(Canada Summer Jobs position)
Eligibility: Due to the nature of GRCGED, prioritizes the hiring of women and trans-folks.
Applicants also must:
- Be between 15 and 30 years of age at the start of the employment;
- Have been registered as full-time students in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year;
- Be Canadian citizens, permanent residents or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act; and,
- Be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.
Applications Due: Friday July 22, 2022 at noon
Proposed start date: Wednesday July 27, 2022
8 weeks x 35 hours per week at $15.00 per hour
**Only complete applications will be considered – see the end of post.
EMPLOYMENT EQUITY STATEMENT (Applicable to all Staff at the GRCGED):
The Guelph Resource Centre for Gender Empowerment and Diversity welcomes the contributions that individuals from marginalized communities bring to our organization, and invites aboriginal women, women of colour, queer women, transfolks, working class women, single mothers, members of ethnic minorities, immigrants, and women with disabilities to apply. We encourage applicants to describe the contributions and experiences they, as individuals who identify with marginalized communities, would bring to the Guelph Resource Centre for Gender Empowerment and Diversity, in their cover letter.
The complete Employment Equity Policy can be found at and the end of this posting.
- Experience in event planning
- Experience working or volunteering in small, specialized libraries
- Experience working collaboratively and collectively
- Experience with/an understanding of adaptive technologies
- Writing and editing experience
- Strong organizational ability
- Strong communication skills
- Public speaking experience
- Customer service experience
- Experience with both Mac and PC operating systems
- Experience working in an anti-oppressive and/or intersectional workplace
- Ability to work within an anti-oppression framework and within the GRCGED Vision, Basis of Unity and Centre policies
- Work with other Centre staff under the supervision of the collective
- Attend regular meetings with other staff and collective members regarding on-going projects
Staffing the Centre
Regular in-office hours will be established in accordance with Public Health COVID 19 advisories and the health and safety of all workers and volunteers of GRCGED. Balancing in-office with work from home or off-peak hours are options that we will have to consider. Some evening and weekend work will be required.
Activities and Resources Coordination
The following is a list of duties related to new and pre-existing projects at GRCGED. The Activities and Resources Coordinator will work to move these projects forward:
• Maintain an anti-racist, anti-ableist, anti-oppressive environment in the Centre
• Create social media and blog posts about maintaining healthy relationships while physically distancing in addition to where to find support if students are in living situations that are dangerous/violent or otherwise abusive
• Host weekly online group check-ins with our volunteers and regular service users to brainstorm more ways to support students in these changed times and to support one another, peer-to-peer.
• In consultation with the Outreach and Organizational Coordinator, plan and implement Orientation and Dis-Orientation Week activities and events, create promotional materials and assist in development of informational pamphlets
• In consultation with the Volunteer and Resources Coordinator, create an inventory system for our service and educational pamphlets to ensure timely restocking
• In collaboration with the Outreach and Organizational Coordinator, research new outreach strategies, and support the creation of a programming plan for the upcoming year
• Research and write social media campaign to support mental wellness to be delivered to university students, particularly during peak times from September 2022–April 2023
• Use Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator to design the mental health social media campaign and use Hootsuite to schedule the rollout
• Research new ways to present GRCGED public education sessions online and through Courselink
• Review our Digital Archiving program and create easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions
• Work with other Centre staff under the supervision of the collective
• Attend regular meetings with other staff and collective members regarding ongoing projects
• Be present in the Centre for a minimum of 24 hours per week during regular office hours.
• Answer the phone, respond to phone mail, forward messages
• Process and respond to emails
• Welcome Centre users and helping them access the services of the Centre
• In consultation with the Volunteer and Resources Coordinator, provide limited support and direction to volunteers staffing the Centre
• Check resources in and out of the resource library with using library software, shelf reading
• Other minor duties as they arise
Student Supervision
The student will be supervised by Collective members who are designated as staff liaisons. Day-to-day direction may also come from the permanent staff members. The student worker will participate in staff meetings where they can voice their concerns and discuss priorities.
Applications must be submitted to
Interested applicants should email the following to GRCGED no later than Friday July 22, 2022 at noon.
**Only complete applications will be considered. **
A completed application consists of 1 Cover Letter and 1 Resume/CV
Only the applicants who are offered an interview will be contacted.
From the Collective Agreement between GRCGED and CUPE 1281:
25.01 The Employer shall make all reasonable provisions for the health and safety of Employees during working hours. This will include a health and safety line in each GRCGED budget and reasonable paid time off for training. The Union, from time to time, may bring to the attention of the Employer any suggestions in this regard and any other suggested improvements regarding conditions of work. The Employer shall inform the Union in writing of any measures they will take or have taken to address these improvements.
25.02 If any Employee feels her safety is being compromised or put at risk by the actions of any clients of the Employer, or any visitors to the premises of the Employer, the Employee shall have the right to arrange for the removal of such persons from the workplace, or the right not to be on the premises until the Employer resolves the situation.
25.03 The Employer shall also ensure that a complete First Aid Kit is present in the workplace and that at least one Employee and one Collective member have current First Aid and CPR training.
25.04 Computer Stations
25.04.1 Employees shall have the right to refuse to work at computer stations with video display monitors which emit radiation. and at any workstation that does not conform to ergonomic standards.
25.04.2 The Employer agrees to supply computer-screen filters for all Video Display Terminals in the workplace and provide ergonomic equipment for all computer work stations.
25.04.4 No Employee shall be required to work in front of a VDT for more than four (4) consecutive hours at a time. No Employees shall be required to do keyboarding for more than two (2) consecutive hours during which they shall have the right to stretch every twenty (20) minutes.
25.05 An Employee has the right to refuse hazardous work.
15.01 .1 The Employer and the Union agree on the following and believe:
a) that we live in a society rooted in oppression,
b) that structural injustice and unconscious prejudice influence our experiences and the decisions that we make,
c) that there is no such thing as a “level playing field” with regards to people’s experience and job qualifications and methods of evaluating the above,
d) that any progressively oriented organization has a need for experience, knowledge, and guidance from oppressed people, especially in the case in which oppressed people are currently underrepresented within the culture of such an organization,
e) that policies such as employment equity policies exist to address and compensate for the above dynamics and to help the Employer identify the best candidate for a job based on qualifications and considerations which are not always easily represented in a traditional resume or job application.
Therefore, GRCGED encourages members from oppressed communities, such as aboriginal people, immigrants, members of non-dominant ethnic, linguistic, religious and/or cultural groups, people of colour, people with disabilities, people living in poverty, queer people, refugees, single and sole-support parents, transgendered, transsexual and gender-queer people and working class people to apply and to identify as an employment equity candidate in their cover letter.
All job postings shall consider the ability to uphold the GRCGED vision and basis of unity as a required qualification as well as the ability to work within an anti-oppressive environment. All candidates who identify under employment equity and who meet the required qualifications for the job shall be shortlisted for an interview.
The GRCGED shall recognize non -formal experience and education as being equally valuable to formal education and work. The GRCGED shall also consider the candidate’s ability to address oppression within the GRCGED.
Where two or more candidates are equally or equivalently qualified for a job, priority will be given to a candidate who qualifies under employment equity.
Where no employment equity candidates are considered qualified for the job but two or more candidates are equally or equivalently qualified, priority will be given to the candidate who the hiring committee believes can best uphold the GRCGED vision and basis of unity, work within an anti -oppressive environment, and work with oppressed communities, especially those currently underrepresented at the GRCGED.
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