Anyone can access our resource library as long as you are registered with us.
provide us with your address, email address and phone number for our membership database. Library membership is pay what you can up to $2.65 every 4 months. For students this fee is included in your U of G student fees.
Books and Zines
Up to 4 books or zines can be taken out for a two-week, renewable period.
Magazines and Journals
The current issue of any magazine cannot be signed out of the Centre. Back issues can be signed out two at a time for a two-week period.
CDs, Tapes, Movies
Up to 2 of each format can be taken out for a one week period.
Other material can be photocopied at the Centre.
The GRCGED has a relatively small resource library and so we depend on the prompt return of resources so that others may access them.
The following fines apply to overdue resources:
Books, Magazines, etc. — $0.25 per day to a maximum of $5 per item
Videos and CDs ————$1.00 per day to a maximum of $10 per item
We have a very limited budget and have difficultly replacing lost or damaged resources. All fines go towards replacing lost or damaged resources or towards buying new resources.
Unpaid overdue fines and outstanding overdue materials can be grounds to suspend borrowing privileges.
We understand that life happens. If it is not possible for you to return an item on time we encourage you to talk to a staff or collective member to resolve the issue. Our aim is to keep the library available to everyone.
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